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Top 10 Off-Page SEO Techniques for eCommerce Websites

SEO Techniques for eCommerce Websites

An eCommerce company will always want to be found on the first page of search engines like Yahoo, Google, and Bing. On-page and off-page SEOs are the two main approaches to help you get a higher ranking

On-page SEO is frequently seen to be more practical, and it entails optimizing keywords, interlinking, meta descriptions, post titles, and anchor tags, among other things. Search engines employ off-page SEO to determine what consumers perceive about your items and services.

Continue reading to find out which off-page SEO techniques for eCommerce websites are the most efficient.

How do I use off-page SEO for eCommerce

Although on-page SEO is beneficial for raising exposure and assisting search engines in a deeper understanding of your blog content, it is insufficient to influence natural search rankings substantially. Off-page SEO plays a role in this situation. Off-page SEO entails procedures that aid search engines in understanding what other people think of your website.

Neil Patel

Off-page SEO simply tells Google what others think about your site. For example, if you’ve got a lot of valuable links pointing to your pages, search engines will assume that you’ve got great content—the type that provides value for users.

  1. High-quality connections

For eCommerce organizations, link development is among the most significant off-page parts of SEO. If Google notices that other well-known, high-authority sites connect to the brand’s site, it deduces that your site offers valuable information to users. In contrast, if spammy sites with no credibility keep referring to your material, Google will label your site as spam.

  1. Social media

Since the audience shares your company’s material and user-created content, social media is an integral part of off-page SEO. Word-of-mouth marketing may also reach a larger audience through social media.

What are the best off-page SEO techniques

It’s notoriously tough to assess the efficiency of one SEO technique. To calculate a site’s ranking for a search phrase, Google considers 200 distinct variables. The top ten off-page SEO techniques for eCommerce websites are shown below.

  1. Backlinks

Backlinks are pretty valuable since they have a two-fold influence on SEO. First, you receive connections from other websites, which Google views to indicate that your client’s website is trustworthy and valuable. On the other hand, Backlinks can drive high-quality traffic to your client’s website. 

  1. Social media interactions

Social media interactions are among the most successful off-page SEO techniques for eCommerce websites. Any sharing, mentioning, or tagging that contains your website’s name will help the off-page SEO performance. Every social media engagement has a limited lifetime and could have a negligible impact, but it may be a significant ranking component when all of these activities are combined.

  1. Guest blog

Guest blogging primarily focuses on earning backlinks, which usually links to relevant keywords, low-quality material, and post twisting—which are Google’s pet peeves. Focus on enlightening and teaching your visitors content marketing techniques if you want to use it as a successful off-page SEO approach for your eCommerce websites.

  1. Social bookmark

If you wish to gain visitors quickly, mainly site content traffic, the social bookmark is among the most acceptable off-page SEO techniques for eCommerce websites. It’s a technique for posting specific websites to social bookmarking sites like Reddit, Digg, Pinterest, etc. Readers may bookmark certain content or category pages when you publish your website. Some site members can see your bookmarks because they are typically public.


Social bookmarking allows Internet users to identify, label, store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of Web pages for later access. These online applications enable users to collect and designate informational resources both for their own use and for sharing with others.

  1. Podcasts

Creating podcasts was more of a tool to improve your company image, increase brand exposure, showcase expertise, and network with other industry professionals. Using your podcast to supplement and include relevant audio episodes in your blog entries is an excellent way to maximize your blog’s on-page SEO while also exposing your podcasts to many prospective listeners.

  1. Performance marketing

The goal of SEO performance marketing is to improve your SEO to drive visitors to your website, which you can turn into purchases. Reach a great blog in your business or area and create a guest blog for them all to make things work for you. Also, see if you can get your affiliate marketers to connect to your website. Consider other relevant brands for whom your material might be appropriate.

  1. Feedback sites

Many eCommerce firms invite consumers to submit feedback to create trust with potential buyers. Furthermore, among the most influential off-page SEO techniques for eCommerce websites is getting feedback live on third-party platforms. As a result, several online stores have included customer feedback in their material. To improve your rating, you’ll need a lot of good feedback.

  1. Newsletters

Newsletters are among the simplest and most cost-effective off-page SEO tactics that eCommerce firms may employ in their digital marketing plan. They allow you to communicate with your followers while also promoting fresh material, goods, or events. Getting included in newsletters from third-party publications is also an effective marketing technique. 

Businesses and organizations use newsletters to convey relevant and useful information with their network of customers, prospects, and subscribers. Newsletters allow you to send compelling material, encourage sales, and drive traffic to your website directly to your audience’s inbox.

  1. Q&A

Writing an excellent blog and distributing it to individuals looking for solutions is a superb off-page SEO strategy for eCommerce websites. Consider Q & A sites such as Quora and Reddit. Users on those websites seek assistance with various difficulties, including some that are important to your organization.

Does Q&A help in SEO?

By strategically writing questions and answers using commonly searched words and phrases, you can increase the chances of your content showing up in Google SERPs.
Website FAQs: How Question-Answer Content Helps SEO

  1. Influencer marketing

Industry influencers are well-known figures who shape the attitudes of receptive followers. When it pertains to buying things or selecting services, people prefer to believe what others say.

If you form a successful collaboration with industry influencers, your brand becomes more well-known, and you gain vital backlinks that drive qualified traffic.


Off-page SEO techniques are required for all eCommerce websites. Since many elements are outside your influence, it’s more complex than on-page SEO. Nevertheless, note that the more difficult it is to obtain high-quality links, the more trustworthy it is as evaluation criteria. Hence, this increases your chances of being mentioned and recommended on high-authority websites.

Let us know what off-page SEO techniques you are using in the comments section. Also, learn on-page SEO techniques here!

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