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Which Step Should You Take to Preserve Rankings and Traffic

Which Step Should You Take to Preserve Rankings and Traffic

A new website should be taken as an attempt to improve search engine optimization, conversion rates, and overall digital marketing performance. But it can also be a recipe for disaster if the proper precautions aren’t taken to ensure a smooth transition from the old website to the new one. Failing to do so can result in a loss of the SEO equity that your site has worked so hard to build over the years.

This article will go over which steps you should take to preserve rankings and traffic, as well as everything you need to think about when redesigning your website to ensure that you maintain and improve your current orders and traffic.

Why is my Google traffic dropping

There are numerous factors to consider when determining why your Google traffic has dropped significantly; therefore, the checklist below will help you get started.

There can be a number of reasons why your Google traffic dropped suddenly and significantly. This can be an issue with something as simple as your analytics code being removed accidentally after a website update, or something more severe such as your website being penalized by Google.

  1. Google algorithm update

For many, the Google algorithm adjustment was unsurprising, while others are left scratching their heads, unsure where their ranks went. It’s awful, since many people may be hurting as a consequence of a lousy SEO strategy or because they engaged a firm that used “black hat” practices to enhance results. What can you do if your ranking is affected by Google updates?

  • Check your site speed 
  • Check Google updates
  • Check site health
  • Check sites keyword rank

  1. Inability to redirect can result in a drop in Google traffic

Viewers and search engines are redirected from one page to another using redirect. It notifies Google that the page has been permanently migrated and allows them to move ranking metrics from the old to the new.

Redirects are commonly done using an htaccess file, in cPanel of a hosting account, or WordPress plugins. Keep a running list of all redirections to have a rapid backup solution regardless of the technique.

  1. Link spam decreases Google traffic

Every year, Google releases a significant link-based algorithm change to try and sift out valuable vs. spam links created by new link-building tactics.

Link spam is frequently one of the leading causes of lost Google traffic. The entrepreneur either engaged a terrible SEO company or assumed they could “outsmart” Google’s algorithm by buying links or submitting to low-quality portals, article directories, press releases, etc.

  1. Poor content

Content is at the heart of all successful business expansion initiatives. Users will not engage with your material if it is of poor quality, and Google will not rank you if your content is not high quality. Furthermore, the risk of being impacted by a search engine upgrade increases.

Specifically, you should be concerned about the worth and structure of the content.

How do you analyze traffic drops

Do you want to find out what’s causing your traffic drop? Keep reading to get your website traffic back on track.

Study the drop in analytics

You may notice the traffic decline after a deep breath. A rapid decline can occur when the date range is incorrect. As the date range chosen can skew graphs, this is what it is aiming to demonstrate. The traffic to a website fluctuates. Perspective is essential. You can also compare dates or use a more significant date range to divide by 7.

Consult with an IT

If the drop is significant and out of the ordinary, it is probable that a technical issue will happen. If something goes wrong with the website, somebody from IT can notify you. Perhaps there was downtime on the site, or it utilized a new template or performed a migration. Check if anything has changed that could have altered the Google Analytics monitoring code.

Examine the audience tab

If the traffic sources don’t help, it’s time to look at your audience.

New vs. old- Google Analytics has this under the Behavior category, starting with the new vs. returning. If you’re losing new visitors, you need to improve your visibility. Invest in SEO, social networking, and content SEO to attract more visitors.

Country- Remember that you may not be able to manage the cause of a traffic drop—holidays, hurricanes, power outages, an unstable political atmosphere, etc. Looking at nations can reveal a significant decline in traffic. Then you can check the news to see if anything has happened there. It can do this check on a regional or city level.

To diagnose a traffic drop, identify which traffic source is declining, then find which pages have lost traffic. It is important to avoid hasty decisions, take your time exploring whether you lost any positions and which pages replaced yours. Try to evaluate why this shift has happened and how you may fix it.
Search Engine Watch

How do you maintain your SEO rankings

Site updates

Although it may sound obvious, it is a common internet marketing mistake. Google’s ranking algorithm considers content quality and freshness, so keeping your site updated is essential.

Using outdated tactics like “text-only” articles can harm your search engine rankings. If you want to preserve your terms, you should include videos and photos in your content.

Site speed up

Google has long emphasized site performance, but many websites still take a long time to load, especially on mobile, where most searches currently take place. Your visitors will likely find another blog if yours doesn’t load swiftly enough.

Build more links

One of the most typical marketing blunders is focusing on quantity over quality. You don’t need to develop excessive backlinks to a page that ranks for a keyword. Google can tell if a site is collecting links too quickly. Building links too fast can result in a website ban.

Why is my website not ranking well on Google?

In the vast majority of cases, a website not ranking in Google means that you need to invest in search engine optimization (SEO) — AKA the science of showing up in search when it matters most.

Check out our list of content optimization tools here!

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